
英['səʊkt] 美['səʊkt]
  • comb.表示"湿的";adj
  • chamber n.室;会议厅;房间adj.【音】室内的,小型的;私人的,秘密的
  • soaking adj.浸湿的动词soak的现在分词形式.
动词 soak:
  1. submerge in a liquid

  2. rip off; ask an unreasonable price

  3. cover with liquid; pour liquid onto

  4. leave as a guarantee in return for money

  5. beat severely

  6. make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)

  7. become drunk or drink excessively

  8. fill, soak, or imbue totally

  9. heat a metal prior to working it

形容词 soaked:
  1. very drunk