
英 美
  • 阿那克西米尼
  • ana n.言论集;语录;轶事pref.向上;向后;再abbr.美国报业协会(=AmericanNewspaperAssociation)
  • ana- 表示"向上ana-向后"之义
  • ana-front 上滑锋
  • ana-holomorph 无性世代,孢子体世代(sporophytegeneration)
  • AnAA 三乙烯四胺丙烯酸盐
  1. a presocratic Greek philosopher and associate of Anaximander who believed that all things are made of air in different degrees of density (6th century BC)

    1. From the literature known so far, we can take Anaximenes' philosophy as one that uses air monism to explain everything in terms of air.