chinese painting

英 美
  • (中国)国画
  • chian adj.希俄斯岛的(希腊东部岛屿)
  • chiao n.角(中国钱币单位)=jiao.
  • chiapas n.恰帕斯(墨西哥南部一州)
  • chiarnlurng n.乾隆
  • chiaroscuro n.明暗对照法(绘画中明暗部分的处理法);(文学﹑音乐等中使用的)对比法
    1. I'm considering studying calligraphy or Chinese painting. I will look for a teacher as soon as I find an apartment and pay my tuition at school.
    2. I like those big vase with Chinese painting.

Chinese painting的相关资料: