
英 美
  • 弗拉托
  • fra n.兄弟(对意大利和尚或托钵僧的称呼)abbr.(美国)联邦铁路局(=FederalRailroadAdministration)abbr.(美国)联邦储备法(=FederalReserveAct)
  • Fraas n.弗拉斯
  • Fraascara 弗拉斯卡拉
  • Frabboni 弗拉博尼
  • Frabel 羟基保泰松(抗炎,解热,镇痛药)
    1. White House spokesman Tony Fratto says the third quarter gross domestic product figure was not unexpected, and that the current quarter is almost certain to prove even grimmer.
    2. Fratto said that until the beginning of the Chamber of Deputies shortly before the vote, Bush is still trying to convince the phone vote for the proposal.