
英 美
  • n.弗里德尔
  • Fri abbr.星期五(=Friday)
  • Fria n.弗里亚(在几内亚;西经13º38'北纬10º27')
  • Friaa 弗里阿
  • friabilator 脆度测定器,剥落仪,磨损仪
  • friability n.脆弱;易碎性
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He arrived as the new Anfield Number One in succession to David James and Brad Friedel.
    2. Friedel could do no more than put out his fists and let the ball hit them.From the rebound Robben and Kalou combined, and Friedel had to block at Robben's feet.