
英 美
  • 弗里希(①姓氏②Karlvon,1886-1982,奥地利动物学家,曾获1973年诺贝尔生理学-医学奖)
  • Fri abbr.星期五(=Friday)
  • Fria n.弗里亚(在几内亚;西经13º38'北纬10º27')
  • Friaa 弗里阿
  • friabilator 脆度测定器,剥落仪,磨损仪
  • friability n.脆弱;易碎性
  1. British physicist (born in Austria) who with Lise Meitner recognized that Otto Hahn had produced a new kind of nuclear reaction which they named nuclear fission; Frisch described the explosive potential of a chain nuclear reaction (1904-1979)

  2. Norwegian economist noted for his work in econometrics (1895-1973)

  3. Austrian zoologist noted for his studies of honeybees (1886-1982)