
英 美
  • 格列科夫
  • gre abbr.(美国)研究生入学考试(=GraduateRecordExamination);地面雷达设备(=GroundRadarEquipment)
  • Grea 格雷亚
  • Greab 格雷亚布
  • Greabu 格雷亚布
  • Greaca n.格雷亚卡(在罗马尼亚;东经26º21'北纬44º06')
    1. After many disputes and confabulations, it was settled that Major-General Grekov, with two regiments of Cossacks, should go with the Polish deserter.
    2. The deserter made no reply to these words, and with a resolute air mounted his horse and rode off with Grekov's men, who were hurriedly gathered together.