
英 美
  • n. [圣经](新约中)希伯来书
  • hebe n.[希神]赫柏(青春女神;赫拉和宙斯之女;为奥林匹斯山诸神的侍女)
  • hebei 河北(省)(旧译Hopei或Hopeh)
  • hebephrenia n.[医]青春期痴呆
  • hebetate v.使迟钝;使愚蠢;变愚蠢
  • hebetic adj.青春期的;青春期发生的
  1. the ethnic group claiming descent from Abraham and Isaac (especially from Isaac's son Jacob); the nation whom God chose to receive his revelation and with whom God chose to make a covenant (Exodus 19)

  2. a New Testament book traditionally included among the epistle of Saint Paul but now generally considered not to have been written by him

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. To that end, the writer of Hebrews wants us to be proactive.
    2. This book of Hebrews tells us that Christ is greater in every way than even Moses.
