
英 美
  • n.霍奇金(①AlanLloyd;1914-;英国生理学家、生物物理学家;曾获1963年诺贝尔生理学-医学奖②DorothyMaryCrowfoot;1910-;英国女化学家;曾获1964年诺贝尔化学奖)2
  • hod n.砖斗;煤斗
  • Hoda 胡达
  • Hodabalo 奥达巴洛
  • Hodachi 保立(姓,日本)
  • hodad n.常去冲浪海滩假充会冲浪的人;冒牌冲浪运动员
  1. English physician who first described Hodgkin's disease (1798-1866)

  2. English chemist (born in Egypt) who used crystallography to study the structure of organic compounds (1910-1994)

  3. English physiologist who, with Andrew Huxley, discovered the role of potassium and sodium atoms in the transmission of the nerve impulse (1914-1998)