
英 美
  • =International Academy of Astronautics 国际宇宙航行学会
  • iaa =InternationalAcademyofAstronautics国际宇宙航行学会
  • IAAA =IntegratedAdvancedAvionicsforAircraft飞行器用先进集成航空电子学[设备]
  • IAAC =IndividualAll-AroundCompetition个人全能比赛
  • IAAEM n.国际水产养殖经济学和管理协会
  • iaaf abbr.InternationalAmateurAthleticFederation国际业余田径联合会
  1. a plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots

  2. Yemen-based terrorist group that supports al-Qaeda's goals; seeks to overthrow the Yemeni government and eliminate United States interests; responsible for bombings and kidnappings and killing western tourists in Yemen