Lorentz force

英 美
  • 洛伦兹力
  • force n.武力;暴力;力量;影响力;力量大的人或(事物);权力;(为某目的组织起来的)一群人;军队;部队;武装力量;警察部门;力;风力v.迫使;强迫;强制;使发生;强装(欢笑);人工催长
  • Lorentz 洛伦兹
  1. the force experienced by a point charge moving along a wire that is in a magnetic field; the force is at right angles to both the current and the magnetic field;

    "the Lorentz force can be used to suspend a current-carrying object between two magnets"

    1. Moreover, with the works of the Lorentz force, the evenly solidified structure can be obtained in the electromagnetic centrifugal cast.
    2. What's Lorentz force's essence?