
英 美
  • 曼德恩人(诺斯替Gnosti教派信徒, 在伊拉克尚有其后裔)
  • mandala n.(佛教和印度教的)曼荼罗(象征宇宙的球形);坛
  • mandamus n.执行令;命令书
  • mandan n.曼丹人;曼丹语
  • mandarin n.中国官话;国语;满清官吏
  • mandarine n.官话;普通话;满清官吏;中国柑桔adj.官僚的;保守知识界的;(语言或文体)繁复而华美的;(中国式)紧身马褂的
  1. a member of a small Gnostic sect that originated in Jordan and survives in Iraq and who believes that John the Baptist was the Messiah

  2. the form of Aramaic used by the Mandeans

  1. of or relating to the Mandaean people or their language or culture

