17. Prevention from commingling: the operator has to implement measures to prevent commingling of NOP-certified products with any other products.
18. When NOP certification is denied, all costs for services incurred up to the date of the rejection shall be the responsibility of the operator.
19. The NOP Final Rule covers all methods and procedures of processing and packaging, as well as any input of substances applied in the processing system.
20. After receiving your application, we send you an offer for the cost of certification, together with relevant information about NOP, CERES policies and procedures.
21. The designated responsible person will bear the responsibility for the annual basic fees and is the only project participant to whom a NOP certificate will be issued.
22. Like NOP, JAS explicitly requests that organic fields must be separated from conventional fields, to prevent cross contamination from fertilizers and pesticides (buffer zones).
23. Land to be certified according to NOP must be managed according to the standard, and must not have received prohibited substances during 3 years before the first organic harvest.
24. Land to be certified according to NOP must be managed according to the standard, and must not have received prohibited sub stances during 3 years before the first organic harvest.
25. A GfK NOP survey out yesterday said that most consumers expected to be spending less on a range of popular activities and only a fifth of people thought that they would not be cutting back.
26. The NOP survey of 30,000 consumers aged over 13 saw China and the Philippines take second and third place respectively in average hours a week spent reading books, newspapers and magazines.
27. The NOP survey of 30,000 consumers aged over 13 saw China and the Philippines take second and third place respectively in average hours a week spent reading books, newspapers and magazines.