
英 美
  • n.尼尔森
  • nie abbr.新工业化经济(newly-industrializingeconomy)
  • Niea 涅亚
  • Nieaeid 烟酸,烟碱酸,尼古丁酸,尼亚古,尼克酸,维生素B5,维生素PP,抗癞皮病维生素,烟六环[维生素类药]
  • Nieafenine 喹茴烟胺,喹茴酸烟酰胺乙酯[镇痛药]
  • nieardipine 佩尔地平
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Nielson of AAA has similar advice on this front, although he comes at it from a slightly different perspective.
    2. Nielson's advice on this matter is supported by a sales representative at a Virginia car dealership, who agreed to speak to us on the condition of anonymity.