
英 美
  • n.奥尔良(法国中部城市)
  • arms n.武器;手臂名词arm的复数形式.
  • chicks 雏鸡,小鸡(名词chick的复数形式)
  • dixie n.迪克西(美国南部各州)
  • loving adj.亲爱的;钟情的;忠诚的动词love的现在分词.
  1. a city on the Loire river in north central France; site of the siege of Orleans by the English (1428-1429)

  2. a long siege of Orleans by the English was relieved by Joan of Arc in 1429

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. A train was leaving at midnight for New Orleans.
    2. There is the Abbey of Jumieges, there is the Cathedral of Reims, there is the Sainte-Croix of Orleans.