
英 美
  • 鲍威尔(①姓氏②CecilFrank,1903-1969,英国物理学家,曾获1950年诺贝尔物理学奖)
  1. United States general who was the first African American to serve as chief of staff; later served as Secretary of State under President George W. Bush (born 1937)

  2. English physicist who discovered the pion (the first known meson) which is a subatomic particle involved in holding the nucleus together (1903-1969)

    1. I am also permitted to refer to Professor Raymond Powell of the Education Department at the Normal college.
    2. Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action.
    3. The Powell structural research lab at the university of California at San Diego tests new bridge materials such as carbon and fiberglass polymers.