Pyrex glass

英 美
  • 高硅玻璃,派热克斯玻璃,派勒克斯耐热玻璃,派热斯玻璃,高耐火玻璃
  • glass n.玻璃;玻璃杯;玻璃制品vt.镶玻璃(复)glasses:眼镜.
  • pyrex n.派热克斯玻璃(商标名)
    1. Pure handmade glass products, materials of high borosilicate glass, can be customized according to customer demand for processing.
    2. The effects of borosilicate glass dopant on the electronic properties of ZnO varistors are investigated.
    3. The diode chip is coated with a thin layer of hard glass which eliminates the need for a hermetically sealed package.