
英 美
  • 蔷薇科
  • ROS n.靶场作业站(只读存储器;固定存储器)
  • rosa n.罗莎(女子名)
  • rosabel n.罗莎贝尔(f
  • Rosabella n.罗莎贝拉
  • Rosabelle n.罗萨贝尔
  1. a large family of dicotyledonous plants of order Rosales; have alternate leaves and five-petaled flowers with numerous stamens

    1. Plum blossom is a type of flower, which belongs to the Rosaceae family and often blooms in the winter.
    2. Genus of fungi that produce galls on cedars and other conifers of genera Juniperus and Libocedrus and causes rust spots on apples and pears and other plants of family Rosaceae.
