
英 美
  • n.萨佛纳罗
  • sav abbr.萨凡纳国际机场(=SavannahInternationalAirport)abbr.天气情况变量(=state-of-the-atmospherevariables)
  • sav. abbr.=savings
  • sava 萨瓦河[南斯拉夫北部]
  • savable adj.可救助的;可储蓄的;可节省的
  • Savac 碘吡啦啥,碘诺啥尔,吡啦啥通[造影剂]
  1. Italian religious and political reformer; a Dominican friar in Florence who preached against sin and corruption and gained a large following; he expelled the Medici from Florence but was later excommunicated and executed for criticizing the Pope (1452-1498)