Union Jack

英 美
  • n.联合王国国旗;英国国旗
  • jack n.千斤顶;插座;船首旗;男人;公畜vt.用千斤顶顶起;抬高n.杰克(男子名)n.扑克牌里的Jn.水手;侍者
  • union n.结合;工会;联盟;和睦;连接轴;【数】并,并集adj.联邦政府的;工会的
  1. national flag of the United Kingdom

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Britain's Union Flag records in its name and fusion of three different emblems the growth of one kingdom out of the successive union of three crowns.
    2. From the flagpole a vast Union Jack would be flying.Dark-jacketed waiters offered the visitors drinks and tiny wafer-thin sandwiches from silver trays.
    3. It was a solemn, stately and emotional moment, as the Union Jack was lowered and the Chinese flag raised at midnight on June 30.
