
英 美
  • n. (伊斯兰教)瓦哈比教派的教徒
Wahabi Wahhabism Wahhabis
  • wahhabism n.(伊斯兰教)瓦哈比教派的教义和习俗
  • wahine n.(夏威夷)玻利尼西亚妇女;太太
  • wahoo n.火树;翅榆;刺鲅int.喂;嗨(用于表达情感);啊哈
  1. a member of a strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect from Saudi Arabia; strives to purify Islamic beliefs and rejects any innovation occurring after the 3rd century of Islam;

    "Osama bin Laden is said to be a Wahhabi Muslim"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam,strictly upholds the austere Wahhabi school of Islam and bases its constitution on the Koran and the sayings of Prophet Mohammad.


    • Wahabi (伊斯兰教)瓦哈比教派的...
