
英 美
  • 沃波尔(姓氏)
  • Wal-Mart n.沃尔玛(美国零售百货)
  • Wal-Martization “沃尔玛化”
  • Walaas 瓦洛斯
  • walach n.瓦拉几人(指中世纪居住在东欧南部讲罗曼语土语的一民族)
  • walachia 瓦拉几亚[罗马尼亚南部一地区]
  1. English writer and historian; son of Sir Robert Walpole (1717-1797)

  2. Englishman and Whig statesman who (under George I) was effectively the first British prime minister (1676-1745)

    1. Under the obvious influence of Walpole and other writers, Poe assimilates the conventions of Gothic horror.
    2. A poor general election result in 1741 made his position more unstable.A number of Whig politicians opposed Walpole's conduct of the war and he resigned in February 1742.
