Well track design

英 美
  • 轨迹设计
  • design n.设计;图样;图案;目的v.设计;计划
  • track n.轨道;跑道;踪迹;小路;乐曲v.追踪;跟踪
  • well adv.很好地;相当地int.好吧;啊adj.健康的;良好的;适宜的n.井;源泉;楼梯井v.涌出
    1. To consider the safety, the conditions for the targeter to locate at the center of flyaround orbit and its design under given chaser shape and distance were presented.
    2. The results show that the design method which unifies the stereographic projection and the spherical triangle analytic geometry is one kind of both simple and the quick methods.