You know well enough.

英 美
  • 你心里明白;你明明知道
  • enough adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地;相当;尚pron.足够
  • know v.了解;知道;认识n.知情
  • well adv.很好地;相当地int.好吧;啊adj.健康的;良好的;适宜的n.井;源泉;楼梯井v.涌出
  • you pron.你;你们;(泛指)任何人
    1. I can see perfectly well that you are trying to take the mickey out of me.
    2. He made a reasonable recovery from the operation but his mother knew in her heart of hearts that he was far from well.
    3. I have done nothing wrong to the Jews, as you also very well know.
    4. How you can stand there and deny it, knowing that I have the evidence, is beyond me!