acting out

英 美
  • 扮演一角色;开始行动
  • acting n.演戏;演技;假装adj.代理的;临时的;供演出用的动词act的现在分词.
  • out adv.出;在外;完prep.向外;在外面v.出来;暴露;驱逐;熄灭;伸出;公开…的同性恋身份
  1. a (usually irritating) impulsive and uncontrollable outburst by a problem child or a neurotic adult

  2. (psychiatry) the display of previously inhibited emotions (often in actions rather than words); considered to be healthy and therapeutic

    1. It is time to leave off talking and to start acting.
    2. He obviously set out with the intention of overthrowing the country.