
英[əɡ'riːmənts] 美[əɡ'riːmənts]
  • n.协定
  • AGR abbr.advancedgas-cooledreactor[核]改进型气冷反应堆
  • agr/culture 农村
  • Agra n.阿格拉(印度北部一城市)
  • agra-agar [机]洋菜
  • AGRAAM 先进中距空空导弹
名词 agreement:
  1. the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises

  2. compatibility of observations

  3. harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters

  4. the thing arranged or agreed to

  5. the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations

  6. the verbal act of agreeing

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Trade agreements grease the wheels of importing and exporting.
    2. And the agreements themselves describe how the WTO is to work.