air gas

英 美
  • n.风煤气(含有空气的煤气;供点灯;取暖用)
  • air n.空气;天空;空中;感觉;神态;曲调;装腔作势v.晾干;使通风;广播
  • gas n.煤气;气体;汽油;空话vt.使吸入毒气;毒(死);给...加汽油vi.空谈;加汽油
  1. a gas made of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and nitrogen; made by passing air over hot coke

    1. A pipe, tube, or channel for conveying hot air, gas, steam, or smoke, as from a furnace or fireplace to a chimney.
    2. A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion.