air receiver

英 美
  • 贮气箱,储气器,储气罐
  • air n.空气;天空;空中;感觉;神态;曲调;装腔作势v.晾干;使通风;广播
  • receiver n.听筒;接收器;收款员;接受者;破产管理官
    1. This system sold by Red Valve has sufficient storage capacity in the reserve air tank to close a Red Valve Pinch Valve in the event of air or electrical failure.
    2. Rootstock swollen, with transverse air chambers, roots fascicled.
    3. All Grado headphones have a vented diaphragm design that incorporates a large air chamber.
    4. Sometimes the air chamber above the soil sample is connected to a regulated pressure source.