artificial light filter

英 美
  • 仿真滤光器
  • artificial adj.人造的;虚伪的;武断的
  • filter n.过滤器;滤色镜;滤光器v.过滤;渗透
  • light n.光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗adj.轻的;浅色的;明亮的;轻松的;容易的;清淡的v.点燃;变亮;照亮adv.清楚地;轻便地
    1. A filter for a display apparatus, a method of manufacturing the same, and a plasma display apparatus are disclosed.
    2. The filter funnels the signals received from many directions into separate photodetectors and improves reception by combining the energies of the beams.