
英[ə'sɪstər] 美[ə'sɪstər]
  • n. 加力器(辅助装置;援助者)
  • assagai n.南非土人所用的标枪
  • assai adv.甚;非常n.巴西椰子树;巴西椰子饮料
  • assail v.使苦恼,纠缠;猛烈攻击;言语抨击
  • assailable adj.可攻击的;有弱点的
  • assailant n.攻击者
1. The invention relates to a bike with an assistor, in particular to a bicycle, tricycle or tetra-cycle with an assistor, comprising a frame, a rear axle, a front axle and a middle shaft.
本发明涉及一种具有助力装置的脚踏车,尤其是指具有助力 装置的自行车、三轮脚踏车或四轮脚踏车。


2. The invention relates to a bike with an assistor, in particular to a bicycle, tricycle or tetra-cycle with an assistor, comprising a frame, a rear axle, a front axle and a middle shaft.
本发明涉及一种具有助力装置的脚踏车,尤其是指具有助力 装置的自行车、三轮脚踏车或四轮脚踏车。
