
英['bætʃələz] 美['bætʃələz]
  • 士人
  • bac abbr.二进制-模拟转换(=binaryanalogueconvert)
  • bac. abbr.二进制-模拟转换(=binaryanalogueconvert)
  • Baca n.巴卡
  • Bacaadweeyn n.巴阿德文(在索马里;东经47º30'北纬7º10')
  • Bacabachi n.巴卡瓦奇(在墨西哥;西经109º25'北纬26º54')
名词 bachelor:
  1. a man who has never been married

  2. a knight of the lowest order; could display only a pennon

动词 bachelor:
  1. lead a bachelor's existence

    1. Du Fu's seeking government office reflects the spiritual denominator of those groups of bachelors in the similar plights and thus is of general significance of the times.