black cherry

英 美
  • 黑樱桃
  • black adj.黑的;不加牛奶的;很脏的;愤怒的;令人沮丧的;邪恶的;阴沉的;机密的;黑色幽默的n.黑色;黑人;黑色物v.抵制;(使)变黑
  • cherry n.樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色;处女膜
  1. large North American wild cherry with round black sour edible fruit

  2. any of several fruits of cultivated cherry trees that have sweet flesh

    1. We're in Cherry Garcia with a maraschino cherry.
    2. Subtle black cherry and white pepper aromatics combine with traces of boysenberry, raspberry and spice laden fruit.
