blown up

英 美
  • adj.吹胀的;爆炸的;发生并加剧的;放大的;夸大的;发脾气的;严责的动词词组blowup的过去分词形式.
  • blown adj.吹制的;膨胀的;喘气的;盛开的动词blow的过去分词.
  • up adv.向上;起来;上升;往上prep.向上adj.向上的;上行的n.上升v.上升;增加
名词 blowup:
  1. a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction

  2. an unrestrained expression of emotion

  3. a photographic print that has been enlarged

形容词 blown-up:
  1. as of a photograph; made larger

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion.
    2. Probability of blowing up a flamethrower armed soldier is reduced.
    3. I mustn't be late or Dad will go up the wall.
    4. They conditioned her not to flare up over trifles.