box beam

英 美
  • 箱形梁,匣形梁,箱形桨
  • beam vi.微笑;发光vt.播送;发射;用梁支撑n.桁条;光线;(光线的)束;(横)梁
  • box n.盒子;箱子;包厢;专席;电视机n.一拳;巴掌;耳光n.黄杨;黄杨木vt.把…装箱;使局限于狭小空间;挡住v.拳击;打耳光
  1. a beam built up from boards; has a hollow rectangular cross section

    1. The successful alternative was the cast-in-place segmental prestressed concrete box girder.
    2. It is provided with a telescopic bracket.The box beam at the external side of the telescopic part of the bracket is inserted into the square hole in the main beam.
