box wrench

英 美
  • 套筒扳手
  • box n.盒子;箱子;包厢;专席;电视机n.一拳;巴掌;耳光n.黄杨;黄杨木vt.把…装箱;使局限于狭小空间;挡住v.拳击;打耳光
  • wrench n.扳钳,扳手;猛扭;痛苦vt.扭伤;挣脱vi.猛扭;曲解
  1. a wrench with a closed loop (a socket) that fits over a nut or bolt head

    1. The variable hexagonal box spanner is the synthesis of the manual screw spanner and the hexagonal box spanner.
    2. We can reverse this pattern using specially generated adapter molecules made of antibodies that snap onto the arms of the virus like sockets on a socket wrench.
