
英[b'reɪkθr'uː] 美[b'reɪkθr'uː]
  • 直通
  • bre BachelorofReligiousEducation宗教教育学士
  • brea n.布雷亚(美国加州地名)
  • breach n.破坏;违背;决裂;裂口;(浪的)冲击v.违反;突破;在...上打开缺口
  • breach-of-contract n:违约
  • breached n.破坏;违背;决裂;裂口;(浪的)冲击v.违反;突破;在...上打开缺口
名词 breakthrough:
  1. a productive insight

  2. making an important discovery

  3. a penetration of a barrier such as an enemy's defense

动词 break through:
  1. pass through (a barrier)

  2. penetrate

  3. break out

    1. Taiwan and the Taiwan echoed through the capital and large areas of defense, formed a complete network.
    2. A light railway and a highway thread their way uphill through tree-clad slopes to the very summit of Mount Ali.