
英['brestfiːd] 美['brestfiːd]
  • v.喂奶;哺乳;以母乳喂养
  • bre BachelorofReligiousEducation宗教教育学士
  • brea n.布雷亚(美国加州地名)
  • breach n.破坏;违背;决裂;裂口;(浪的)冲击v.违反;突破;在...上打开缺口
  • breach-of-contract n:违约
  • breached n.破坏;违背;决裂;裂口;(浪的)冲击v.违反;突破;在...上打开缺口
  1. give suck to;

    "The wetnurse suckled the infant"
    "You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Over the next few months, when she would wake up in the night hungry, my wife would breastfeed her and I would go on sleeping.
    2. If your baby's jaundice is related to other health problems, your milk is very valuable for him and you should continue to breastfeed.
    3. The World Health Organization recommends that babies are breastfed for the first two years of their lives if possible.