buffalo gnat

英 美
  • bufalin 蟾毒灵,蟾蜍他灵,蟾毒素,蟾蜍灵
  • buff n.浅黄色;光身子;爱好者vt.抛光;缓冲
  • buff color n:米色
  • buffalo n.水牛;野牛;水陆坦克vt.威吓;欺骗;迷惑
  • buffalo boy n:牧童
  1. small blackish stout-bodied biting fly having aquatic larvae; sucks the blood of birds as well as humans and other mammals

    1. Gnat Pass was cold, but then, I was already cold.
    2. Then a single gnat got into his ear and stung him.

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