business man

英 美
  • 商人
  • bus line 汇流线
  • bus-bar n.汇流条
  • busboy n.餐厅侍者助手
  • busby n.毛皮制高帽子
  • buses n.公共汽车名词bus的复数形式.动词bus的第三人称单数形式.
名词 businessman:
  1. a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive)

    1. The merchant overreached me in a business deal.
    2. "A sweet temper" is a figurative expression, but "sweet coffee" is not.
    3. No one imagined that the apparently respectable business man was really a criminal.
    4. Nevertheless, he was a man of action, planning cities, building roads, and developing industries.