
英['bʌtɪŋ] 美['bʌtɪŋ]
  • n.对接;撞;界限动词butt的现在分词.
  • but conj.但是prep.除...以外adv.仅仅;只pron.无不
  • but-boy n.经常提出反对意见的人;通常是男性(和yes-man的意义正好相反)
  • But. [医]酪,奶油,乳脂
  • Buta n.布塔(在扎伊尔;东经24º50'北纬2º49')
  • Buta-barb 仲丁巴比妥,另丁巴比妥
动词 butt:
  1. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary

  2. to strike, thrust or shove against

  3. place end to end without overlapping

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Head butting is illegal in boxing.
    2. Mrs. Banting split some hot water and accused Mrs. Tremaine of butting into her.