a chemical analysis used to determine the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioisotope carbon-14; believed to be reliable up to 40,000 years
Radiocarbon dating indicates the figure excavated from an archaeological dig in southern Germany, near the Danube valley, was at least 35,000 years old, the researchers said. 研究人员称,根据放射性碳年代测定法的测定结果,德国南部多瑙河流域附近的一处考古遗址中出土的这尊雕像距今至少有三万五千年。
The professor believes the radiocarbon dating of the shroud was wrong because the sample was contaminated. 这位教授认为,对裹尸布所做的放射性碳年代测定结论有错误,因为取样受到了污染。