
英['sɜːkəmsaɪz] 美['sɜːrkəmsaɪz]
  • vt. 割包皮;割阴蒂
circumciser circumcised circumcised circumcising circumcises
  • circassia 切尔卡西亚[苏联高加索西北部一地区]
  • circassian n.切尔克斯人(前苏联高加索部落人);切尔克斯语adj.切尔克斯的
  • circe n.[希神]女妖锡西
  • circean adj.喀尔刻(荷马史诗中的美丽仙女;会巫术)的;使人着迷的
  • circinal adj.(=circinate)圆的;环状的
  1. cut the skin over the clitoris

  2. cut the foreskin off male babies or teenage boys;

    "During the bris, the baby boy is circumcised"

1. Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.
所以你们要将心里的污秽除掉, 不可再硬着颈项.
