close a deal

英 美
  • 完成交易; 生意成交
  • cloak-room 存衣处
  • cloakroom n.衣帽间;休息室;盥洗室
  • clobber v.狠揍;不断地打击;彻底打垮;使受到严重的经济损失n.衣服或装备
  • clobberer n.修理鞋子或修补衣服的人
  • clochard n.钟楼
    1. If I need to deal Completed, I will complete the transaction.
    2. A court case brought by Rohm to force Dow to complete the deal was due to be heard this week.
    3. They closed the deal in sugar after a week of negotiation.

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