
英['kəʊtʃwɪp] 美['koʊtʃwɪp]
  • n. (赶马车用的)马鞭;[动]鞭蛇;鸣鞭鸟
  • coach n.教练;经济舱;(火车)客车车厢;四轮马车v.指导;训练
  • coachee n.(=coachman)马车夫;人造绳(垂钓用的鱼饵)
  • coacher n.家庭教师;教练;拉车的马;(棒球)跑垒指挥员
  • coachfellow n.马伴;伴侣;伙伴
  • coachful n.马车满载之量
  1. desert shrub of southwestern United States and Mexico having slender naked spiny branches that after the rainy season put forth foliage and clusters of red flowers

  2. a whipsnake of southern United States and Mexico; tail resembles a braided whip