coral snake

英 美
  • n. 银环蛇
  • cor abbr.转动中心(=centerofrotation)abbr.角落(=corner)
  • cora n.科拉(f
  • coraciiform adj.[鸟]佛法僧目鸟类的
  • coracle n.小圆舟;小渔艇
  • coracoid n.鸟喙骨;喙突adj.鸟喙状的
  1. any of various venomous elapid snakes of Asia and Africa and Australia

  2. any of several venomous New World snakes brilliantly banded in red and black and either yellow or white; widely distributed in South America and Central America

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. A sand snake of southwestern United States,lives in fine to coarse sand or loamy soil in which it'swims',banding resembles that of coral snakes.

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