court order

英 美
  • n.法院指令;法庭庭谕
  • court n.法院;庭院;宫廷;球场;奉承v.献殷勤;追求;招致;设法获得
  • order n.顺序;条理;订单;命令;秩序;阶层;[生]目;点的东西v.命令;定购;调整;整理;点餐;预定,订货
  1. a writ issued by a court of law requiring a person to do something or to refrain from doing something

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The union showed defiance of the court order against a strike by calling the workers off their jobs.
    2. In January a judge issued a ruling claiming Mr Nutter needed city council approval or a court order to implement his library plan.