crash course

英 美
  • 速成班
  • course n.课程;讲座;过程;路线;一道(菜)v.跑过,穿过;追赶;快跑
  • crash v.撞击;坠毁;发出巨响;崩溃;破产;宿夜n.轰隆声;猛撞;崩溃;暴跌;垮台;粗布adj.速成的
  1. a rapid and intense course of training or research (usually undertaken in an emergency);

    "he took a crash course in Italian on his way to Italy"
    "his first job was a crash course in survival and in learning how to get along with people"
    "a crash programme is needed to create new jobs"

    1. I joined a skee crash course before the holiday.
    2. He registered for the short English course in the idea that English could be learned in a short time.
