
英[k'rɒsk'ʌplɪŋ] 美[k'rɒsk'ʌplɪŋ]
  • n. 相互作用;交叉耦合;交互耦合
  • croak v.嗄嗄叫;发牢骚;死n.呱呱声;哇哇声
  • croaker n.蛙;预报凶事者;发牢骚者;石首鱼
  • croakers 石首鱼,黄[花]鱼
  • croaky adj.哇哇叫的;嘎的;低沉而沙哑的
  • croat n.克罗地亚人;克罗地亚语adj.克罗地亚人的;克罗地亚语的
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The intergrain interactions can be distinguished as the long rang magnetostatic interaction and the exchange coupling interaction.
    2. Based on the typical high gassy mine-Sun Jiawan mine in Fuxin, the experiment of desorption and seepage of coal-bed methane was made under the solid-fluid coupling.