
英['krɔːsstɪtʃ] 美['krɔːsˌstɪtʃ]
  • n.十字绣;十字针脚vi.以十字针法缝
cross-stitched cross-stitched cross-stitching cross-stitches
  • CRO abbr.阴极射线示波器(=Cathode-RayOscillograph)abbr.公司注册商标(=companiesregistrationoffice)
  • cro-magnon n.克鲁马努人(旧石器时代晚期在欧洲的高加索人种)adj.克鲁马努人的
  • Cro-Man-Zin 含铬、锰和锌片剂
  • cro-micro 微微
  • cro-microgram 微微克
  1. two stitches forming a cross or X

  2. embroidery done with pairs of stitches that cross each other

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Italian cross-stitch and Montenegrin stitch are reversible, meaning the work looks the same on both sides.
