dash away our tears

英 美
  • vt.擦去眼泪
  • away adv.离开;远离;在远处;一直;朝另一个方向;消失adj.不在的;遥远的;[棒]出局的;客场的
  • dash v.猛冲;猛掷;泼溅;匆忙完成n.破折号;短跑;猛冲;冲
  • our adj.我们的
  • tears n.眼泪tear的复数形式.
    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. She turned round, and dashed off the tears with a corner of her handkerchief.
    2. A woman amongst them wiped away a tear, while the man by her side stared hard at the ground.